Enhancing Your Brand

Posted on November 30, 2020

Whether we admit it or not, branding influences our behavior and helps us identify companies.
Branding goes beyond your logo, it encompasses your mission, vision, and client experience. Having a strong brand can help set your agency apart from your others.

Consider the Following Tips When Enhancing your Agency’s Brand:

Branding Freebies

Everyone loves getting something free they can use like hats, phone accessories, pens, and water bottles. The more often your existing and potential clients see your logo, your chances of being remembered when it’s time for a purchasing decision are increased dramatically. Consider investing in pens emblazoned with your agency’s name and website and leave them around town.

Know your Audience

Approach content with the thought of your target consumer. You must think like your consumers if you want your products to appeal to them.

Give your Clients a Consistent Experience

Including service, the colors in your logo and marketing pieces, the message in your writing. This consistent experience is a vital to maintaining and growing your business through referrals. The biggest key to good branding is consistency.

Get Social

Most people conduct online research on a company making a purchase. Ask your clients to rate your business on Facebook or Yelp! Poor reviews are a good opportunity to address issues or miscommunication. Use social media to broaden your online presence through Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and other social media. Though social media is free, it will cost you time to manage your social media accounts.

Know & Share Your “Why”

Sharing your story and journey into insurance helps potential customers connect on a more personal level. People are more likely to trust you to help them with their purchasing decisions if they can learn more about you, why you do what you do, and what you can do for them. Include some information about the history of your agency on your website, brochures, and flyers.