Updated Claims Process

Posted on October 8, 2020

In order to better serve our policyholders following Hurricane Idalia, Kinsale’s Claims departments has updated the manner it processes claims.

The Claims Process

  • All claims should be reported by the insured – by calling Kinsale at (804) 289-1394, press “9” when prompted;
    The insured can also report the claim by sending an email to newclaimnotices@kinsaleins.com.
  • Kinsale contracts with a third-party administrator (TPA) to handle the processing of CAT claims. The Kinsale claims number (804-289-1394) will connect the insured to the TPA. The insured will need to provide a contact name, phone number, policy number, and nature of the claim.
  • A representative of the TPA will contact the insured both to set up a date and time for an inspection of the property and provide the insured the contact information for the field adjuster.
    Please ensure that your customers record and retain the contact information for both the TPA and the field adjuster.
  • After the inspection, the field adjuster will submit an inspection report and preliminary loss amount back to the TPA.
  • A representative of the TPA will contact the insured to review coverage, inspection findings, and payment information.

The TPA will manage all aspects of storm-related claims. Kinsale is confident the TPA will handle claims in a manner consistent with Kinsale’s customer service standards.

Kinsale implemented this process in response to the volume of claims that exceeded the level where the in-house claims staff could manage according to their customer service standards. 

Please keep in mind:

  • When your clients need an update on a claim, the TPA and the assigned field adjuster have the most up-to-date claim information. Please encourage your customers to retain contact information given to them by the TPA.

We recognize that many of your customers are dealing with uncertainty and anxiety in the wake of Hurricane Idalia. Please recognize we are doing all we can to process all claims as efficiently as possible.