Mining risk solutions with Aspera

Posted on August 7, 2023

Solutions for Mining Risks with Aspera’s Energy Solutions

It’s become more difficult for retail agents to find coverage for mining accounts as underwriting guidelines have tightened across the industry.

Aspera doesn’t shy away from mining risks. We can find coverage for both above-ground and underground operations for coal, minerals, and metals, as well as onsite contractors.

Recently, we saw a mining equipment manufacturer whose expiring carrier wanted to raise their minimum premium by over 200%. We worked with our market to deliver a quote with terms and pricing better suited to the insured’s operations and sales. Aspera delivers quotes within 48 hours for 75% of submissions we receive.

Make your hard-to-insure Energy accounts easy to please with fast, customized solutions from Aspera.

Submit an account today and get a quote in minutes! Not appointed yet? Begin our appointment process now and you could bind submissions by the end of the day!